Old Main
Gathering information on a grander scale, we conducted a widespread online survey, focusing on CU students who either currently or recently lived in the dorms on campus. Here are the following questions we asked:
- Which is the best dining hall on campus?
-Which is the best residence hall to live in overall?
-Which residence hall has the best social life?
-Would you live in the dorms a second time if given the chance?
In order to conduct this survey, we created a Facebook "event" page, inviting all the people we knew who currently attend the University of Colorado. We asked them to post their responses to these questions on the event's wall, allowing us to analyze the data and create conclusions towards a majority of opinions on campus.
*The following are the top three most popular results founded after tallying student answers to this survey:
-Which has the best dining hall on campus?
1. Sewell 2. Libby 3. Farrand
-Which is the best residence hall to live in overall?
1. Sewell 2. Farrand 3. Baker
-Which residence hall has the best social life?
1. Sewell 2. Williams Village 3. Baker
-Would you live in the dorms a second time if given the chance?
No: 38 votes
Yes: 14 votes
*These were the answers tallied around 2:00 p.m. on April 21, 2010.
To view the Facebook event page and survey results, please click the link below!
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