Stephanie Altemus is a freshman student who lives in College Inn. Next year she is going to live in Bear Creek Apartments. Even though she has had a positive experience this year, she would not recommend living in the dorms for a second year.
E=Elizabeth (Interviewer)
S=Stephanie Altemus
E: What dorm do you live in?
S: "College Inn."
E: Do you like the dorm you live in?
S: "Each room has its own bathroom, so that is very nice."
E: If you could have lived in a different dorm, which one would you pick and why?
S: "Sewall because it has the best food."
E: Which dorm has the best food and why?
S: "Sewall because it has a bigger variety of food [compared to the other dining halls]."
E: Did you pick your roommate? Would you recommend picking your roommate or being assigned a roommate?
S: "No, I did not pick my roommate. If you have a friend that you get along really well with, I would recommend rooming with them."
E: What was the hardest adjustment into dorm living?
S: "Learning how to live with a roommate."
E: What is the best thing about dorm living?
S: "It is a close walk to all of my classes, and it's really easy to meet up with people on campus."
E: What is the hardest thing about living with a roommate?
S: "Knowing how to communicate with your roommate about things that are hard to talk about."
E: In your opinion, what are some of the best activities offered on campus?
S: "Student groups and clubs because there is something for everyone. If you have an interest that doesn't have a preexisting club, you have the ability to create one."
E: In your opinion, what is something that every incoming freshman should know before heading to college?
S: "Make an effort to either form or go to study groups with people in your class, and take advantage of teacher's office hours."

This is a picture of College Inn, where Stephanie is currently residing.
I chose to interview Stephanie because she is one of my closest friends, and I have known her for years! I knew that she was living (nearly) off campus in College Inn, so I thought her perspective on dorm living would be interesting, and different from other student's experiences. The interview went smoothly, and she definitely had strong perspectives on the topic. In the future I would have organized interview questions to coordinate with the group.
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